Subaru Go Kart Engine Parts

We offer convenient online shopping 24 hours a day, 7 days a week , 365 days a year from our online parts and performance small engine store with a range of new, used and take off parts for Subaru / Robin EX and KX series engines. This is only part of the range of fast moving replacement parts that can be purchased by customers worldwide. Our main store is stocked with a massive inventory standard replacement and performance parts like cylinder heads, valve springs, race type flywheels, conrods, performance header pipes and mufflers. We ship large and small orders world wide.

Trust when shopping online is important, we do not share your information and our company is not run by accountants or a computer company but hands on engine people who know parts, engines and how important customer service is. Listed below are things we hope will put you at easy and know understand the company you are dealing with.

We have been involved in most forms of motorsport as either a competitor, sponsor or supporter, We Have been selling online for over 10 years, We have been the Automotive Industry for over 30 years, items shipped include tracking, We are a registered Australian Company, We offer shipping Worldwide at affordable costs.

Our full range of small engine parts can be viewed by Clicking Here