KX21 Racing NSW

Subaru KX21 gokart racing in New South Wales is an association that was formed in early 2014 to build a stronger future for Subaru KX21 Kart racing in NSW.
The club is run by enthusiastic club members and volunteers. The 4 Stroke Subaru KX21 gokart engine is used for both bitumen gokart sprint races and endurance go kart racing.
The NSW Subaru Karting Association made the decision to run a sealed engine that has to be sealed by an authorised engine sealer and must use a controlled exhaust header pipe,
mufflers and tyres.


The Engine package as supplied to members of the NSW Karting Association is a factory sealed racing engine with no modifications keeping all racers on a level playing field


Three engine seals are fitted to the engine, these numbers are recorded and are a tamper proof seal.


The cylinder head and engine blower housing use 1 seal and both are drilled to fit the wire.


The Camshaft retaining bolt cylinder head and side cover are all drilled to accept an engine seal.
The rocker cover can still be removed to replace valve springs and service the rocker gear and adjust rocker clearance.


A second seal is fitted to the blower housing to stop removal of the flywheel to advance timing or remove weight.

If you would like to be involved as a volunteer or competitor contact the SKA by clicking on the banner below.
